Державні сайти України

Національна служба здоров'я України

Єдиний веб-портал органів виконавчої влади України

Людям із порушенням зору
in English

At the initiative of operators of medical information systems (MIS) prepared instructions for registration of specialized agencies in electronic health system'I (EES).

Until instruction 7. Waiting for information from others MISS.

Remember that to work in EES, institutions must connect to the e-health system'I via MONTHS. Medical institutions can choose any lady from among those who meet the requirements and joined Central database EES.

Registration companies in MONTHS Health24
Registration companies in MONTHS MCPlus
Registration companies in MONTHS MedEir
Registration companies to MONTHS Doctor Eleks
Registration of companies in the IIA Emcimed
Registration companies per MONTH the Polyclinic without queues
Registration companies to MISS Halsey